

Zephyr RTIO

Tags: zehpyr , sensors and embedded


For the past year or so I've been working on ever more complex electronics devices and firmware. Devices that have greater needs for performance sensing, processing, and communicating. Specifically I have a chromatography control system and a sport training device I've been working on.

Writing infinite loop state machines works well to a point. After a certain level of complexity I'd argue its easier to reason about several state machines that communicate. I learned that the hard way when creating a soft realtime control system for chromatography, a story for another time.

An RTOS provides the means to structure a program with communicating state machines. It does not prevent a devolvement into spaghetti, data race, bug ridden nightmare fuel.

Zephyr is a fantastic RTOS, with a large test suite covering its core functionality, soc drivers, and board support packages.

What it lacked however for both of the projects I've been working on was a driver API that made sense for my use case. I need to stream compact, potentially processed by digital filters, sampled data streams. So sensors. Fast ones!

The Status Quo

It's worth noting that the Zephyr API for sensors (current as of this writing still) is quite simple. That's a good thing!

A sample from Zephyr makes it clear whats involved.

Sensor Sample Snippet

int ret;
struct sensor_value value_x, value_y, value_z;

while (1) {
    ret = sensor_sample_fetch(dev);
    if (ret) {
        printk("sensor_sample_fetch failed ret %d\n", ret);

    ret = sensor_channel_get(dev, SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_X, &value_x);
    ret = sensor_channel_get(dev, SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_Y, &value_y);
    ret = sensor_channel_get(dev, SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_Z, &value_z);
    printf("( x y z ) = ( %f  %f  %f )\n",


This API is convienent and straightforward.

This API got me quite far with most what I was trying to do. In fact the product at Baseball Tech uses the Zephyr sensors API in its interrupt driven form though I did have to do some tweaking.

What I wanted to be able to do was...

  • Use the hardware FIFO on many of these devices to free up time on my cpu, the Nordic NRF52840 is quite a SoC but time is finite and much of it was being used by other things, like bluetooth.
  • Not work with already converted values, I wanted the values that the sensor gave directly in the native sensor format (usually 16 bit integers) primarily because of their compact size.
  • Change the state of the device at runtime safely.

Do the above without necessarily tacking on a bunch of custom device specific functionality like I was doing.

Reflecting on the first attempt

My first attempt at creating a new API that checked off the bullet list above was based on my own experience and the opinions described in a few issues on github.

Issue 1387 Issue 13718

The first attempt really took a lot of inspiration from Linux's IIO API. After all, Linux often times does things right.

The driver was centered around a typified ringbuffer inspired by linux's k_fifo, tailored for microcontrollers for streaming data from drivers to applications. Along with statically defined device and channel attribute descriptions similiar to IIO, but read and written to using a tagged type union to represent each attributes value.

ZIO Branch

The API based on IIO however really didn't solve my problems well.

DMA usage with a ringbuffer means I would need to have written a memory allocator on top of it to get contiguous sections. Some form of tracking when the end of the buffer has been skipped over. A lot more work. I'm lazy and I wanted something working now-ish.

Changing the state of the device left a lot of confusion about the ringbuffer. At what point in the ringbuffer for example was the device in state 1 rather than say state 2, where state 1 had 2 8 bit values and state 2 has 4 16 bit signed values and a timestamp? It also left me wondering how it would ever be possible to set even a simple attribute like sample rate when that sample rate is often times dependent on several other configuration options. Filter options, power mode options, fifo enabled options. So if you write to one attribute, a trigger occurs, then write to the next attribute, was the data inbetween valid? Did you know what format it was in, what rate the data was sampled at?

The attributes themselves were not necessarily simple to provide or work with in either the driver or the application.

Having the driver API require a large number of attributes to be defined, using a ringbuffer, and other decisions made on the branch turned out to be in my opinion a dead end for the above reasoning. I'm sorry to those that started to build on that experiment of mine in earnest. There were a few

PR 16119 PR 16456 PR 17921

Maybe attributes could be salvaged, but the API wasn't really helping me directly solve my problems. It was, it turns out, a bad API for what I was trying to do. Hindsight is always of course clearer. I do feel like I should have seen the issues sooner, but it took writing a driver myself and seeing a few others starting to write drivers to realize the significant downsides.

Second Attempt, A Work in Progress

In my second attempt I focused more on what is the minimum API I need to get the checklist ticked off. The results of that thought experiment lead me to the following pseudo C sample snippet.

RTIO_BLOCK_MEMPOOL_ALLOCATOR(blockalloc, 64, 512);

int main() {
    struct device *mydev = device_get_binding(SENSOR_DEV_NAME);

   /* Using the ST H3LIS3331DL as a sample here */
   struct mysensor_config = {
       .sample_rate = MYSENSOR_1000HZ,
       .scale = MYSENSOR_200G, /* yes this exists in the H3LIS331DL! */
   struct rtio_configuration config =  { 
       .output_config = {
           .fifo = myfifo, 
           .timeout = K_FOREVER,
           .byte_size = 512
       .trigger_config = {
           .trigger_source = RTIO_TRIGGER_GPIO,
           .gpio = {
               .device = MYGPIO_DEV,
               .pin = 4,
      .allocator = blockalloc, 
      .driver_config = &mysensor_config
   int res = rtio_configure(mydev, &config);
   _ASSERT(res == 0);

   struct rtio_sensor_reader reader;
   while(true) {
       struct rtio_block *block = k_fifo_get(myfifo, K_FOREVER);
       struct rtio_sensor_channel channels[4] = {
       res = rtio_sensor_reader(mydev, myblock, &myreader, channels, sizeof(channels));
       _ASSERT(res == 0);
       while(rtio_sensor_reader_next(&myreader)) {
           printf("cycle: %d, acc (m/s^2) x,y,z: %f, %f, %f\n", channels[0].value.u32, channels[1].value.f32, channels[2].value.f32, channels[3].value.f32);
       rtio_block_free(allocator, block);

Configuration is now a single call to rtio_configure. This includes a way of allocating contiguous blocks, a place to put blocks that are done being written to, and when to do so. It also includes what drives the reads, whether its a GPIO interrupt, hardware timer, or a function all done in a forever loop with a sleep. All of these options lead to callingrtio_trigger. With some convienence sprinkled in.

To implement this API drivers need to implement three C functions and optionally define a configuration struct. The first attempt had close to a dozen API calls.

Optionally a driver can extend the streaming API by providing a reader which lets the application use the device almost exactly like the previous sensor API. Some additional features this API provides are all channels can be fetched at once, and the value may be converted to other numerical formats. The results may be optionally scaled and converted to SI units. There are of course costs to doing those conversions and providing that functionality.

The end results of this API are that

  • The number of functions a driver must implement is reduced.
  • DMA transfers are straightforward.
  • Losing samples is less likely, so long as there's enough time to process the data at some point and buffers are large enough.
  • Latency of data can be tuned as needed by the application with the timeout and byte_size output config options.
  • Configuration, ordering, and verification of configurations are possible.
  • State of the device for data buffers is clear.
  • Timestamps, computed or stored, and virtual sensors could be easily provided in the blocks, the reader is defined by the driver and channel types can be added easily.
  • Devices have 2 functions they must implement, and a third optional function if the device is like a sensor where you'd like to provide a way to interpret the readings semantically.
  • Devices have a lot of room to optimize most if not all branching on reading out data. Its very sensible that each channel would have a read function associated with it.
  • Multiple channels of the same physical measurement are possible, the 0 in the RTIO_SENSOR_CHANNEL macros is an added identifier describing which channel of that type to get data for.

This API is a work in progress now on several branches. Work is ongoing and I hope to have something to show for my efforts for Zephyr 2.2!

Future improvements once the initial API is wrapped up.

  • Provide fixed point formats that are DSP instruction friendly on ARM, CMSIS DSP in particular has q7_t, q15_t, and q31_t. The Cortex M4 in particular has several mutiply and accumulate functions for smaller types that CMSIS DSP takes advantage of.
  • Provide an input_configuration for writing to devices. Many devices you can upload firmware to. This would allow both read and write functionality. This might mean rtio_trigger would need to be better thought out for reads and writes.
  • In the future the thinking is rtio_confgure will take a configuration name defined by devicetree. This would avoid the large number of pointers being passed from the application to the kernel preventing user mode usage.

Things this API does not do that have been discussed, some of which would be potentially useful in the future.

  • Dynamic devices, its expected your application knows which device its using, or atleast one of several devices. exists and could be checked by calling rtio_configure for each.
  • Device attributes of any kind, in the future it may be sensible to add back in some of the device attributes from the first attempt in a more limited, read only, manner.